
“Adios L.A.” – an L.A. Romance Gone Bad

When L.A. artist Jon Jackson got a job offer in New York, he jumped at the chance to move to the Big Apple. He didn’t just pack up and leave town quietly. In true L.A. style, Jackson announced that he was ending his affair with L.A. by advertising the news on 10×23 foot billboards that stood next to carwashes, palm trees, parking lots, and outdoor cafés where thousands of total strangers driving down the freeway could learn that he was so done with the City of Angels.

The billboards went viral. Jackson skyrocketed to tabloid-type fame. He turned the billboards into a video with a soulful soundtrack. The breakup dialog was converted into a downloadable iPhone screensaver. A Hollywood press agent couldn’t have hyped it better. You’d think that Kevin Federline had just dumped Britney Spears. Any day now we expect to see a feature film — guy loves town, guy dumps town for better offer, guy rationalizes actions with emotional tell-all billboards. You know, it’s the classic L.A. story of love and betrayal.